1. Reminise/download about embarassing/awesome radio
(this section will be very telling of our ages/how we grew up)
a. bloodhound gang
(re: the roof is on fire: in the second verse he finishes with "this monkey's gone to heaven"....wow. i was too young to get it, so awesome!!)
b. goldfinger (wow, how much did you love this record? over and over and over i and friends listened, for me this is a record i taught myself to harmonize to, along with jimmy eat world's clarity, lol)
c. smashmouth
sorry, that first record was so rad. the lyrics that guy wrote was so fun to sing along to and shove your fist in the air while drinking a slurpee. josh can agree)
d. the pixies covers record
(sorry, josh may have bought death of the pixies but, this is how sarey and i discovered the band in high school, i remember chatting with a pasty goth boy as a young girl in the oldskool aol chat rooms about how the pixies were the greatest band in the world...i disagreed, for trent reznor is god, but he was right about something)
2. malvina reynolds' little boxes
learn so we can cover it like 56 other rad people
3. listen to the pixies
and cry
4. listen to the cranberries
and let them slay you. you will be shredded apart with their love and beauty. quit hiding behind phrases like "they're gay". there are not many things i'm sure of in life, but i am pretty f-ing sure that you are wrong wrong wrong if your heart hasn't been slayed by delores o'riordan. (by sarey)